Monday, November 16, 2009

Second meeting will be "My Favorite Thing" theme

Being our next meeting is on Dec. 2, and will be our last meeting before Christmas, we're having a theme of "My Favorite Thing" for it.

Please come and share your favorite blindness-related resource, tool, or toy. This can be a web site where you like to shop for blindness-related items, your favorite piece of assistive technology, or just a fun toy you want to share with the group.

We understand that not everybody wants to speak up in a group, or might not have anything they want to share, and that's okay too. Sharing is voluntary Come to the meeting and see what everybody else has to share. There might be something you see here and want to add to your Christmas list.

And, keeping a focus on the nearness of Christmas, VIPs Julie and Karen Johnston have offered to sing a Christmas song for us. I've got their CD and, let me tell you, we're in for a wonderful treat when these ladies sing!

So, come on down to the Kingwood Branch Library on Wednesday, December 2, 2009, from 6:30-8:30 and join us for some seasonal fun.

See you there!

Monday, November 2, 2009

First meeting reflections and second meeting planned

The first meeting of the VIPs of SouthEast Texas was last Wednesday and is in the books. I thought the turnout represented a great beginning. There were seven of us who were visually impaired, one teacher of visually impaired students, three spouses, and even one mother.

The stories were as individual as each one of us, and that's saying a lot if you know the group that gathered. From the youngest to the oldest, everybody had a unique perspective on blindness to share.

There were no guest speakers present, but this was planned to be a meet and greet, so everybody could get to know one another. A roster of names with phone numbers and email addresses has been compiled and shared with everybody who was there, building our network, putting us instantly in touch with one another when we need that unique support.

Instead of meeting the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, we have our next meeting scheduled for the first Wednesday in December. So mark your calendar with Wednesday, December 2, 2009 and plan on being at the Kingwood Branch Library once again at 6:30 pm. We hope to see everybody from last week there again and, hopefully, we will have even more people present.